Welcome to IIUC-28A9

We are a group of IIUC(International Islamic University Chittagong) 28 A9 batch. We are 22 student of this group. We launch this website to show everyone our works and unity. You get update of our university and our group here.

Here you get: 1- You get complete profile of our students. 2- Here we submit our CV, Recent photo, Present Address, Permanent Address, Our Degrees, and working capacity and experiences. 3- We also submit here our students certificate and mark sheets scan copy. ** By this website you can choose an employee for your organization.

Friday, February 24, 2012

HRM Suggestion (revised version with star)

HRM Suggestion (revised version)

red color- 1star, green color- 2star & sky color- 3star

Chapter 6: Training and Development: Definition of training and management development, distinguish between training and development, methods of employee training, evaluating of training programs.

Chapter 7: Career Development: Concept of career, individual and organizational career development importance, career stages of an organization, steps in managing career.

Chapter 8: Performance appraisal: Definition of PA, Objectives of PA, Steps, Method and Functions of PA.

Chapter 9: Compensation: Meaning of Compensation, Types of employee rewards, job evaluation, Method of job evaluation.

Chapter 10: Benefits: Definition of Benefits, Categories of benefits plans.

Chapter 11: Disciplinary Action: Definition and disciplinary action, types of disciplinary action, process for disciplinary action.

Chapter 12: Grievance Handling: Definition of grievance and grievance handling, sources and causes of grievance, guideline for handling grievance, principles of handling grievance, steps of handling grievance.

Determining training needs

Determining training needs:
Both supervisors and employees are responsible for seeing that training needs are identified, discussed and acted upon. Some ways in which training needs can be determined are:

                           1. Daily observations
                           2. Performance reviews
                           3. Progress reports
                           4. job application form
                           5. discussions with employees

When training needs have been determined, they should be recorded as precisely as possible, including method, objectives and formal course names where appropriate. The individual training needs form is a convenient form on which training needs can be recorded.

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