Welcome to IIUC-28A9

We are a group of IIUC(International Islamic University Chittagong) 28 A9 batch. We are 22 student of this group. We launch this website to show everyone our works and unity. You get update of our university and our group here.

Here you get: 1- You get complete profile of our students. 2- Here we submit our CV, Recent photo, Present Address, Permanent Address, Our Degrees, and working capacity and experiences. 3- We also submit here our students certificate and mark sheets scan copy. ** By this website you can choose an employee for your organization.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Definition of Make or Buy decision

An enterprise may decide to purchase the product rather than producing it, if is cheaper to buy than make or if it does not have sufficient production capacity to produce it in-house. With the phenomenal surge in global outsourcing over the past decades, the make-or-buy decision is one that managers have to grapple with very frequently.

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