Friday, February 24, 2012

HRM Suggestion (revised version with star)

HRM Suggestion (revised version)

red color- 1star, green color- 2star & sky color- 3star

Chapter 6: Training and Development: Definition of training and management development, distinguish between training and development, methods of employee training, evaluating of training programs.

Chapter 7: Career Development: Concept of career, individual and organizational career development importance, career stages of an organization, steps in managing career.

Chapter 8: Performance appraisal: Definition of PA, Objectives of PA, Steps, Method and Functions of PA.

Chapter 9: Compensation: Meaning of Compensation, Types of employee rewards, job evaluation, Method of job evaluation.

Chapter 10: Benefits: Definition of Benefits, Categories of benefits plans.

Chapter 11: Disciplinary Action: Definition and disciplinary action, types of disciplinary action, process for disciplinary action.

Chapter 12: Grievance Handling: Definition of grievance and grievance handling, sources and causes of grievance, guideline for handling grievance, principles of handling grievance, steps of handling grievance.

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