Welcome to IIUC-28A9

We are a group of IIUC(International Islamic University Chittagong) 28 A9 batch. We are 22 student of this group. We launch this website to show everyone our works and unity. You get update of our university and our group here.

Here you get: 1- You get complete profile of our students. 2- Here we submit our CV, Recent photo, Present Address, Permanent Address, Our Degrees, and working capacity and experiences. 3- We also submit here our students certificate and mark sheets scan copy. ** By this website you can choose an employee for your organization.

Monday, July 30, 2012

Keep your pant up of the Ankle

ডাঃ জাকির নায়েকঃ
সহীহ বুখারীর ৭নং খন্ডের পোশাক অধ্যায়ের ৬৭৮ নং হাদীসে বলা হয়েছেআমাদের নবীজী (সাবলেছেন যেপুরুষদের প্যান্টের যে অংশ গোড়ালির নিচে ঝুলানো থাকেসে অংশটা দোযখে যাবে। এছাড়া একই গ্রন্থের  নং অধ্যায়ের ৬৭৯-৬৮৩ পর্যন্ত হাদীসগুলোতে উল্লেখ করা হয়েছে যেযে ব্যক্তি বেপরোয়াভাবে চলাফেরা করেযার প্যান্ট টাখনুর নিচে মাটিতে ঝুলানো থাকে আল্লাহ্‌ তাকে অভিশাপ দেবেন।
সুতরাং আমাদের নবী করীম (সাএর কথা অনুযায়ী গোড়ালির নিচে যায় এমন প্যান্ট পরা যাবে না। এবং হাদিস অনুযায়ী আমাদেরকে শুধু নামাজের সময় নয় বরং সব সময়ই এটি মেনে চলা ফরজ

Dr. Jakir Nayek:
From the Sahih Bukhari Sharif, Chapter no 7 and lesson no 678 says, Our Prophet Muhammed (Sallallau Alaihi oa Sallam) says, which part of the pant is hang under the ANKLE that will go to the hell. Also on that book the Chapter no 5 and lesson no 679-683 says that which Man spent his time unethical way and if his pant will hang under ANKLE, Allah will give him punishment in hell.

So by the command of our prophet Muhammed (Sallallau Alaihi oa Sallam) we should wear that type of pant which is not hang under the ANKLE, and not only in the time of Salat but also every time. Thanks. Sorry to say for any wrong.

Successfully finish the Iftar party

At first we want to give a big thanks to Allah, because we successfully finish the Iftar party of 28 Batch of IIUC Dhaka Campus. On that program finished on 28th July 2012. And that program our Campus Cheif, Head of the Marketing, Finance teachers and other teachers and the members of CENURC are also attended. And other some office staffs also attend on that program. Photos will be post recently.

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