Saturday, February 25, 2012

Graduation Requirements

Graduation Requirements

Pre graduation requirements:
·         One Semester prior to graduation a student should submit a check list form to ACAD duly filled in
·         Students intending for graduation should submit an application for graduation to ACAD in the terminal semester in the University.
Academic requirements:
·         To have passed all required and Elective courses as per program of curriculum.
·         Be on acceptable academic standing with a CGPA of at least 2.00.
·         Be free from any negative report from the University Authority in general and Academic Discipline Committee in particular.
·         Have fulfilled co-curricular requirements.
·         Have fulfilled other University requirements.
Results of each semester are normally distributed to every student at the beginning of the following semester. This result is for student reference only and not to be used for any official purposes. The result produces report including the grades of all courses for that semester, the GPA and CGPA.
Official Transcript is issued during graduation and upon written request of a student who has paid all fees. Partial transcripts may also be issued in the same manner to continuing students. However, a fee of Tk 25/- is charged for partial transcript of each semester or testimonial.
Final Transcript and Provisional Certificate may be withdrawn on payment of Tk. 500/- (i.e. Tk. 250/- for Transcript and Tk. 250/- for PVC). Besides, Original certificate may be issued on payment of Tk. 500/- only. These charges will be applied for the re-issue of duplicate certificate and transcript also.

Release for students:
Student’s records are considered highly confidential. Therefore, a written consent from the student is needed before releasing information from his personal record to person outside the University. Information may be furnished to a student's parents or sponsor without such written consent. No information concerning a student's grades will be given over telephone.

Right to make changes rules:
The University authority reserves the right to change the requirements, rules, programs and fees without prior notice whenever circumstances warrant. Such changes shall take effect as and when the proper authorities so determine.

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