Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Suggestion for Business Strategy Final Exam Spring 2012

International Islamic University Chittagong
(Dhaka Campus)
Department of Business Administration
Course Title: Strategy in Business
Course Code: MGT- 4706
( Suggestion for Final Exam)

1. Explain in brief  how do you ensure cost-efficient management of Value Chain activities of your company?.

2.  When a low-cost provider strategy work best in a competitive environment in an industry?

4. What is merger and acquisition? Give an example .
5. What is Offensive strategy?
6.Explain, the principal of offensive strategy option for a company in an industry.

7. How slowing growth alters market condition?
8.Discuss the strategies that fit conditions in maturing industries which differs from other types of industries.

8.What is turbulent or high velocity market? Give an example.

9. How do you meet the challenges of high velocity change market condition in our country? Explain in brief.

10. Explain, the three strategy horizons for sustaining rapid growth of an industry .

11. How do you explain the principal managerial components of the strategy execution process ?
12.How do you structure the work effort to promote successful strategy execution in your organization? Explain in brief.

13. What is outsourcing?
14. Explain, when outsourcing strategies are advantageous for a company in Bangladesh?
15.Mention the  ten commandments of for crafting successful business strategy in Bangladesh.
16.Define best cost provider strategy.                                                                      

17.When does a best cost provider strategy work best?                                          

18.What are the risks of  Best Cost Provider Strategy?                                                                                           

19.What are the characteristics of  low cost provider strategy?                              

20. What makes a niche strategy attractiveness?                                                      

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